Friday, December 6, 2019

The giver pg 64-125

At the ceremony of twelve, Jonas was assigned the most important job in the community.when he was given his rules he was very shocked at what they read. Joans was taught to not do most of the things on this list. As being the receiver of memory Jonas could not share his dreams with his family, he couldn’t take any medication for any pain he experienced at training, and he could now lie. Those are just a few of the changes that Jonas now has to make to his everyday life. Jonas is experiencing many different aspects and seeing many new things during his training. And he's not handling it too well. He is being exposed to many new things and he's not sure how he feels about it. Jonas at the point with his ready to just give up but he can't. 

I chose this part of these pages to talk about because I feel like it's the most important. It shows how Jonas, now being twelve, being the receiver of memory is being exposed to many different things that the people in his community do not know about. Jonas is struggling with handling all the responsibilities that come with being the receiver of memory. This is important because it shows Jonas’s journey to be the receiver for memory. So far I like the fact that some stuff is secret to the people within the community and only the important ones know. But I don't like how such big responsibilities are being put on the 12-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading this book when I was younger and I loved it. I think its an interesting but kind of cruel concept that a twelve year old is forced to feel pain but is also not allowed to share his dreams. I don´t remember exactly why the idea of dreams in important in the book but I think its an interesting concept.


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