Monday, December 9, 2019

Hunger games post 3

In chapters 7-9 katniss and Peeta continue their training together and spend the three days or workshops with each other. The other tributes all are bigger then katniss. The tributes from the wealthier districts are all very healthy and strong and have prepared for the games their whole lives. Katniss and Peeta are told to wait to show their strengths until the private show with the game creators. There they can be judged and ranked. The highest rank is 12, and Katniss scores an 11 due to her personality and skills. Peeta receives a 7. After being ranked Peeta and katniss begin being trained separated due to Peetas request. This angers katniss and causes her to stay in her room. Next katniss and peeta prepare for their interviews. Katniss goes first and is loved by the people. She acts girly and charming. Peeta goes next and admits that the girl he wants is in the games with him and winning won’t make her want him because there can only be one winner. Katniss remembers gale and the bond then had. She misses him a lot and remember how they met, both their dads died in a mining accident.

In these chapters I learned that katniss is very strong and independent. She shows everyone how she is a survivor and is determined not to let the games change her. She is annoyed with peeta due to him wanting to train separate and saying how he wants her on the interview. Katniss misses her home and gale and is determined to survive and get back to them.

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