Monday, December 9, 2019

Shift, Jennifer Bradbury (pt. 3)

After many hours of questioning and many days of Win’s parents panicking as well as Chris’s parents concerned for him, Chris makes a decision that changes everything entirely; Chris goes back to Montana and to Seattle to to find his long lost best friend, where he last saw him. In the middle of the ride, Chris totally out of curiosity goes into a barn they saw earlier in their journey, which Chris proceeds to enter and to his surprise, he finds Win. Win is upset because Win seems very ecstatic on where he is, but after a long conversation, Chris convinces Win to come home with him. On their way back, near Concrete, Washington, they start getting chased by a coyote which to them it seemed like the Coyote was chasing them when it reality it wasn’t, but this still drives them away and in the middle of this, Chris’s tire pops leaving him unable to move any further but Win continues to run away, leaving Chris stranded all by himself. Chris, once again frustrated, stops by at a near station to get his bike tire replaced, but he soon learns that Win went to that same place right before he did, but he is unable to acquire any more information. After a long trip home, Chris returns to the same FBI agent, but instead of the usual questions, the FBI agent instead tele him that the Win case is dismissed, even though he is still in Montana all by himself, and that’s where the story ends.

This story is sadly, left at a cliffhanger because Jennifer Bradbury planned on releasing a sequel to Shift, but it sadly never happened, leaving a lot of potential for another great book like this one to be made behind.

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