Monday, December 9, 2019

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: ch 11-17 [END]

J. K. Rowling starts off the end of the book with what I believe is a really sentimental scene. Harry Potter meets with a big mirror, 5 times the size of him. This is no ordinary mirror. When Harry looked at the mirror he saw himself in the middle of both his parents. Being so delighted and excited he ran to show Ron the mirror. When he brought Ron back, Ron looked at the mirror only not to see Harry’s parents but himself holding the House cup for winning the Quidditch match. Later on at the end of the book this mirrors is the key for Harry to win against Voldemort. 

The book, as I write, may not seem as pleasant and interesting. This reason is because J. K. Rowling coordinated the book to be as smooth but rough at the same time. The plot of the story roughness the book but the sense of love and care smoothes it out at the same time. It is a very interesting way of writing which I believe is the cause of her great success. Any book can have a sad beginning and a happy ending, but J. K. Rowling captures her readers into the book as if they are in another world. That’s why I chose to re-read this amazing series.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the mirror in this part of the book shows the person looking into it whatever they want to see most. I think this is a great addition to the book. I would love to read the book sometime.


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