Friday, December 6, 2019

Fantasy League pg 101-190

          At this point in the story Charlie has told Anna that it was his idea for the bulldogs to sign Tom Pinkett. I thought this part was very funny because it was a 12 year old kid making the decisions for an NFL football team. Anna then told their friend Kevin about this. Kevin was a loud mouth and couldn’t really keep things to himself. Kevin’s dad has a popular radio show and Kevin ended up telling his dad that it was Charlie’s idea for them to sign Tom Pinkett. This was bad part for Kevin because he had told Anna that he wouldn’t tell anyone about this. It also caused a little bit of conflict between Anna and Charlie because Charlie got mad at her for telling Kevin. Now this story was all over the news and the Warren family got a lot of criticism for it.
           This also got Charlie very mad because he respected Mr. Warren a lot and he didn’t want him to think that he did this or that he couldn’t trust him. Eventually the news people had came to Charlie’s school wanting to interview him about what was going on. At that point Mr. Warren has told Charlie that they were going to have a press conference to explain what had happened. I thought that this was a good idea because it allowed them to say what had happened instead of letting the media make things up. At the press conference Mr. Warren was a lot more relaxed than his son was. Matt Warren was answering questions form the reporters and was asked if he got overruled by his dad in the decision to sign Tom Pinkett and he said that at first he didn’t like the idea but they had him for a workout and they thought it was best if they signed him. The reporters also asked him a few more questions that tried to get him angry and lost his temper. This was good for Matt Warren because he usually did have trouble not getting mad but in this situation he was able to keep his emotions in check.
            The issue got resolved and people kind of looked at the team as more of a joke. The bulldogs were off to a better start then they usually had, but the best defensive player had gotten hurt, their middle linebacker Oradell Monroe. At this point Charlie and Mr. Warren both knew that the back up was not good enough for the team. Charlie then got the idea that they should sign a player named Jack Sutton. This was considered a crazy idea because Jack Sutton had not played football in a few years. He also had a lot of off the field issues when he had played in the past. Mr. Warren decided to listen to Charlie and then he ended up having a workout with the team and they ended up signing him. At first he had played well and helped the team but eventually he started to have some costly penalties that had cost them a game. Charlie started to feel like it was his fault that they were losing because it was his idea to sign Jack Sutton. I felt like it was unfair for him to judge himself like that because he was only 12 years old.

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