Friday, December 6, 2019

I Know What You Did Know | Chapters 7-12

    The book continued to be more intense and interesting. Everyone now knows that Barry got shot. The bullet was lodged into the spine. Helen was being blamed for the call on the Memorial Day and she tried to say it's not her but Mr. and Mrs. Cox won't listen to her. On the next day, the surgery was done, the doctors got the bullet out, but they can't tell how much damage it did to him yet. Helen called to the hospital that Barry is in and ask if she can speak with him but she can't because Mrs. Cox made the rule that Barry can't have visitors that are outside of the immediate family. Helen started to think about the events happened the night before, Mrs. Cox blamed her and Mr. Cox said that they aren't blaming her but she can see the blame in his eyes. She don't know who made the call, she thought that it might be a girl that he was seeing when he wasn't with her but then, she said no; if she can't trust Barry, then who can she trust. She then go to her dresser but she was afraid to reach inside of the top drawer. With her quivery hand, she took out the picture of the little boy on the bicycle. Later that afternoon, after school is done, Julie and Ray drove to the picnic place where they hang out last summer. Julie shut her eyes and bit down hard on her lower lips when they drove passed a particular spot on the curving road. Then, Ray started to bring up what happened last summer when they're at the picnic place but Julie doesn't want to remember. He tries to tell Julie to face it but she doesn't want to. She wants him to drop the topic but she gave in and he felt sorry because he forced her to think about that night and what happened to Barry as something related to the accident. Helen, Ray, and Julie received memento of the accident but Barry received the worst, a bullet. They don't know why the person who knows or thinks he know about the accident would do something like this instead of reporting it to the police. They don't know who hated them so much that he would rather kill them himself instead of letting the police punish them. Then they thought about Daniel Gregg's parents who are the closest to Daniel and would hated them the most. Julie now wanted to talk with Daniel's parents by faking that she and Ray just wanted to use the phone because their cells died. If Daniel's parents know about them then Julie and Ray will know that it's Daniel's parents who shot Barry. When they arrived at the house, Megan was the only who is there. Megan is Daniel's sister. Through her, Ray and Julie know that Daniel's mom has a mental breakdown for two months and always blaming herself for Daniel's death. She's now in a hospital in Las Lunas. Daniel's dad stayed in a boarding house so he can see her everyday. Megan keeps on talking about Daniel and how she thinks about him a lot. Julie and Ray realized that they didn't just kill a little boy, they have ruined the whole family. Helen said that it's not her who called Barry on that night, and she rejected the idea of dissolving the pact because if the pact is dissolve, Barry is going to face a prison sentence after he's out of the hospital. She's worried about him because she's his girlfriend and said that he has suffered enough. Ray wanted to call Barry but Barry doesn't have a phone in his room so Ray called Barry's parents to know more about how he's doing. Mr. Cox was the one who picked up the phone. Ray now knows that the bullet lodged in Barry's spine can cause Barry to be paralyzed, he can't get to talk with Barry, and the important one is Mr. Cox said that Barry told him Helen Rivers was the one who called him. Julie and Ray don't know who is lying; Helen, Barry, or Mr. Cox. They also thought that maybe all three of them are telling the truth, which leads to Julie thinking that Elsa, Helen's sister, was the one who shot Barry out of jealousy and she's possibly the one who sent the letter, the clip, and the picture.

    As I keep on reading, I find myself finding this book more interesting and more thrilling. The plot keeps me on track with the story, each chapter goes by, the closer I can get to know the person who's behind the shot and the person who hated the 4 teenagers. The part when Julie and Ray are going to meet Daniel's parents got me kind of excited because I thought I'm going to know who's behind the shot but it's just Megan who lives there.

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