Friday, December 6, 2019

Christine Post #2 Pages 215-318

        This section of the book starts with Dennis in the hospital because he was hurt during a football game. As he was being tackled by three people, they injured his spine and were very close to paralyzing him. He will most likely be unable to play football ever again. Arnie has finally made Christine street legal. So he drove it home from the Darnell's garage, where he had been working on his car. When he arrived at his house the first thing that his mother said was that he was not allowed to keep his car there. After all of the work that he had put into the car he could not even keep it at his own house. He was infuriated with his mother and and stormed out of the house. When he was about to leave his father got into the car with him. He told him to drive to the airport. So as they were driving to the airport his father was saying that Arnie could keep his car in the 30 day parking area of the airport. This was much cheaper than what he was paying to keep it a Darnell's. After he said this Arnie was sill angry with him that he could not keep the car at the house but agreed to keep it at the airport. After he parked the car he and his father took the bus home. What they did not know though was one of Buddy's friends, Sandy Galton, worked at the gate to the parking area. He told Buddy that Arnie was keeping his car there. Buddy still had some hate left for Arnie and wanted to get back at him. So he got some of his friends together to destroy his car. Sandy agreed to let them in and say that they were never there. Buddy and his friends destroyed Christine, they shattered the windshield, hid the body with sledge hammers, put molasses in the carburetor and sugar in the gas tank. The last thing they did was poop on the dashboard. The next day Arnie and Leigh were going to go Christmas shopping. However when they got to the airport Arnie saw his car and was devastated. That day they did not end up going shopping, Leigh went home and Arnie brought the car to Darnell's to work on it. For the next few weeks that was where he spent most of his time, he did not see Leigh and barely saw his family. Leigh went to the hospital to go see Dennis, she told him about what had happened and how Arnie was acting. Another thing that Leigh said was that Arnie never reported what happened to the police, his father did. Even when the police came to question Arnie he made it seem like Buddy had not done much to his car. On thanksgiving Arnie came to visit Dennis. They at first made small talk, but they eventually came to talk about Christine. Even when Arnie talked to Dennis he made it seem like Buddy had done little to damage the car. It seemed like Arnie did not want Buddy or any of his friends to get in trouble for beating on his car. It was the Thursday after Thanksgiving and Moochie Welch, one of Buddy's friends who helped attack Christine, was going to get a ride home. He had to walk about three miles until he was got to his ride. While he was walking on the sidewalk he say Christine running on the side of the street, there were no other cars or people around. He keeps walking toward the car, suddenly the front headlights come on. The next thing he hears are the tires screaming as the car is rocketing towards him. As the car is coming straight towards him could not see anyone driving it. Then he jumps out of the way just before the car hits him. He feels a warm river running down his leg and realizes that the car had taken a chunk of skin of his leg. The car does a quick 180 and coming straight for him again, this time it hits him straight on. He falls to the ground still conscious. Christine then stops and starts to reverse and goes over Moochie again and keeps going forward and backwards until he barely recognizable. As Christine is driving away it is magically repairing itself, all of the dents and blood are gone before it gets back to Darnell's garage. The next day while Arnie is in Darnell's garage a police officer comes over and asks Arnie why he did not report that his car was beat up. Arnie said that he thought that this would stop Buddy from harassing him. While this conversation was going on the officer was inspecting Christine very closely to see if it was used in the murder of Moochie. He however did not find anything. That morning when his mother had told what had happened he had no idea who or what had done that to Moochie. However Arnie did have a dream that night that Christine was going for Moochie throughout the dream the person changed from Moochie, to Buddy, to Sandy, and finally Darnell. In his dream the person who was driving the car was the former owner Lebay.
        During this time in the book Arnie is growing farther away from everyone that is in his life. This is due to him owning Christine. Due to him owning Christine he is constantly in fights with his parents. They want him to spend more time doing school work and getting his grades up for college. Additionally he has been spending more time and caring more about his car than he does Leigh. This is hurting their relationship and makes Leigh hate Christine more than she already does. Christine has also turned Arnie into a different person; a once perfect child he is now skipping school and doing work for Darnell. This work is usually him talking packages across state lines to give to people. Sometimes these packages have fireworks or other small things, and other times he could even be transporting cars that just seem to turn up. He does this in turn for money and other acts of payment. One of these payments was when Arnie wanted to take Leigh out, but his car was not legal yet. Darnell gave him an inspection sticker so he could drive it on the road. Now that Christine is doing what Arnie sees in his dreams when he sees them, the car is getting more connected to him over time.

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