Friday, December 6, 2019

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #2// pages 119-150

      The book has kicked up the intensity from my last blog post. After Christopher discovers that his dad hid the letters from him he also finds out some shocking news. ***SPOILER ALERT!*** Christopher's father confesses he was the one that killed the dog next door. He killed the dog because it reminded him of the affair his wife had because that was Mrs.Shears's dog, after Mr.Shears left her for Christopher's mother. This news scares Christopher and now he is fearing for his own life; because if his father was capable of killing a dog and telling such lies, why wouldn't he kill Christopher on top of that?  So Christopher decides that he is going to find his mother, who lives in London, and live with her instead. This is terrifying to him because he doesn't like strangers or new places, but he would feel more scared living back with his father. I am now at the point where Christopher starts off his mission by walking to the train station, early enough so that his father doesn't notice.
      I still feel the same about the book as I did earlier. I like the suspense the book now holds and I'm excited to see how Christopher's journey will continue.

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