Friday, December 6, 2019

The Book Four (A Divergent Series) Blog #2 p. 97-188


             The book Four (A Divergent Series) Part 2

         They have a score board where they initiates. If you are the last person on the score board, you have to leave the community. You will always be recognized as a loser. At the beginning of his training his name was the last, but later on as he improved his skills he was one of top ones on the score board. He became more stronger and stronger everyday. He starts to make friends, hanging out with Shauna, Zeke, Zeke's little brother Uriah, and Shauna's little sister Lynn. Shauna is pretty and funny. Four also likes her, but he decided not to tell her because he did not want to distract himself. Shauna asks Four to help her train and he was successful in training her. She fought with a girl and won. She came to him told him the techniques he told him actually worked and he felt so happy about it. While he was sitting with his friends a group of leaders came to him and tell him that they have test him about something. They start to have a doubt in Four because his previous test result was abnormal. He was able too make a exit where there was none. The second time they test him and he falls from a building, and let himself die in the simulation instead of changing it. This proves to the leaders that his first test result was just a program error. Finally, he was able to pass the final initiation and Four became the number one.  

         He heads out towards the train tracks. A train goes by, and he notices someone was on the train who exactly looked like his mother. He gets a hope that his mother is still alive because at the beginning of the book, his dad always told him that his mother died when he was very young. When he went back to his room he finds a note with a riddle and when he solved it, it had the time and date of when his mother died. He thought it was his father and he told his friend to check the cameras and see who it was and he figured that it was not his dad, it was a woman. He went to the train platform where the person who left the note invited him. There he finds his mother and her face just shocks him because he couldn't believe that she was still alive when all his whole life he thought that she was dead. His mother explained to him why she left him and his father but she never knew that his father lied to him about her death. She wanted to spend time with Four but he was not so happy to see her because he said that she didn't really love him because she left him with his father who he hated all his life. 

       I think this is the most interesting part of the book because he finds out that his mother was still alive. Even though, his entire life he thought that his mother was dead. The thing that I liked about this part is that he was so smart that he figured out that there is something wrong that they are taking him the second time to test him. He figured out a way to pass the test and was able to keep his secret that he is a divergent. I chose to write about this specific part because it keeps the reader interesting that how he keeps himself safe and how he reacts when he finds out about his mother.   

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