Friday, December 6, 2019

No slam Dunk pgs 95-130

In this part of the book Wes and his mom are coping with web's dad and his drinking problem, it has gotten so bad that they don't even regains the person he use to be.  That's not the only problem Wes is facing though his team is going on a losing streak, they have lost the last couple games they played and there whole team is getting very frustrated.  The reason why the team is so frustrated is because the point guard of the team Dinero wants to be the spotlight player of the team so he is always calling for the ball and always wants to score the ball, Which frustrates wes and his teammates.  But every time someone try's to talk to him about it he just ignores them.  And there coach doesn't do anything about is because dineros father tells the coach to keep on playing his son, because his dad wants him to be this all-star on the team.

1 comment:

  1. This conflict seems interesting because there is multiple issues in the story and it seems like it is a good book.


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