Saturday, December 7, 2019

Blog #3 One of Us Is Lying pages 230-360

  As Coopers secret is public, Nate stands up for him, Bronwyn being Nate's girlfriend is very proud of him and kisses him in front of everyone disclosing that they are together, even when told not to. Mikhail Powers, a TV personality, hosting a weekly news show, reported previously that the four are guilty. However, after Cooper is said to be gay, and personal secrets are revealed to the public about the four students; his reports turn defensive and suggest that the invesigation is being handeled poorly since it is unfairly focusing on the 4 students and has now invaded their personal lives with out enough evidence to support that they are responsible for the crime. Later, Nate is arrested as the murderer. As Brownyn helps Nate's mother to get a lawyer better than the public defender, Mikhail Powers, it appears that the school suspected Nate having drugs in his locker. However, when his locker was searched, there was no drugs in it, but there was all of the nurses supply of epipens. Brownyn, Addy, and Cooper all are desperate to find the truth to help Nate. While all three of them work together, by looking through old posts, Addy finds something which others don't. The reason Addy is the only one who understands is because she had mentioned it to her boyfriend, Jake, before. While Addy further understands the post, Cooper along with his friend Luis’s help, tracks down one of the cars involved in the accident the same day of Simons murder. They find out that it is a car belonging to a student at another school, his name was Sam Barron. Later, Sam reveals that he was paid by a student going to Bayview to fake a car crash. The students ask who paid him off, all suspecting that it was Jake, he finally reveals that it was actually Simon himself. The students discuss the information they found and conclude that Simon might have commited suicide and Jake must have helped him. Addy goes to Janaes house, and Janae says that she had made a mistake, showing Addy bundle of papers called “Simon’s Manifesto”. It talked about Simon’s desire to create drama in school and blame it on his four students. Simon always wanted to be popular but was rejected, and committed suicide, holding Cooper, Bronwyn, and Nate responsible. Jake asked to be involved in Simon’s plan when he broke up with Addy. The evidence which was found in Nate’s locker was placed there by Janae and was supposed to be blamed on Addy, however Addy was very kind to Janae, that Janae could not get herself to blame it on Addy. Jake would often go to Janae’s house to tell her to keep quiet about the plan. While Addy was still at Janaes house, Jake arrived and Addy decided to record their conversation from a different room in order to bring evidence, however, Addy’s phone goes off and Jake chases Addy out of the house and tries to kill her. Soon Cooper comes and saves her and takes Addy and Janae, away from Jake. Nate is released from prison, while Jake is charged with many crimes. In the end, the four friends repair their friendship.
I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to others. This was a mysterious book, full of suspense. Although the beginning was much slower, describing the characters, it caught into more action afterward. Each character in this book played a major role in the plot. My favorite character is Bronwyn because she has a very outgoing personality in the plot and takes care of the situation well. I liked how each chapter was through a different character's perspective, and this helped tie everything together, creating a better visual for the reader. This allowed the reader to have a better point of view since it was written through different characters perspectives. 

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