Friday, December 6, 2019

Rachael Pillay
Mr. Rispole
English 11
 For this blog, In the Hunger Games, its right before they leave to go to the arena. Peeta declares his love for Katniss in the interviews. Katniss objects and gets frustrated with this idea because lastly mentioned in the previous blog she does not want to get close to Peeta just because at the end of the Hunger Games one of them has to die. Right before the games start Katniss leaves Hay Mitch and Effie. Katniss also then has a deep talk with peeta about life. In the morning, Katniss gets ready for the games that Cinna gives to her along with a gold mocking jay and a tracker. Once the game starts it's all about her survival tactics with Peeta she witnesses many deaths marked with a cannon sound. Soon after, Katniss finds out peeta has joined the careers a group that is used for hunting others. He ended up being bruised very badly. Katniss is awakened by a large fires one night and he realizes it's the game makers she then starts getting attacked with fire balls, she manages to leave the area and climb up a tree where she meets a girl named Rue. the five careers are beneath them searching for katniss. Rue gives her a plan of dropping a wasp nets on them where her plan backfires and peeta ends up saving her. Rue ends up finding her a couple days later and helps her heal herself back to normal. Katniss devices a plan to ruin the careers supplies through a plan, unfortunately the blast made Katniss's hearing go bad and she can barely walk because of how dizzy she became. She realizes rue has been attacked by someone from another district. Katniss kills the district member in hopes to save rue but it's too late.

My personal commentary is that I genuinely think that this is where the book actually starts to pick up. Before it was just the pre Hunger Games preparation which kind of came to a bore. But since so much is happening constantly it keeps us on our toes and adds many elements of surprise as well as well as suspense. Many new characters were introduced in these recent chapters and along w a new budding romance which comes into play when conflicts arise. Personally the book is really great so far and I genuinely think its only gonna get better from here.

1 comment:

  1. I think the idea of Katniss not wanting to get close to Peeta because one of them is sad because she seems to really connect to him and it´s sad that her world can´t just be normal and that she can´t make normal relationships without having to worry about things like survival or death.


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