Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (The Opening ch 1-6)

Harry Potter is a book series written by a British author, J. K. Rowling. Published in 1997, J. K. Rowling introduced the 1st book in the series, The Chamber of Secrets, with the Dursley family; a family relative of the Potters. This family resided on 12 Pivot Drive, in a normal neighborhood until one day, or rather night, a cat, that transforms into a lady, a man with a beard touching his feet, and a giant with a loud rusty motorbike, place what seems to be, a baby on the footstep in front of the Dursley's front door. This woman, Professor McGonagall, the long-bearded man, Albus Dumbledore, and the giant with the noisy bike, Hagrid, appear to have some type of past with the baby's parents. Readers can conclude that the baby, Harry, is now an orphan due to the murder of his parents by a man called Voldemort, also known as the man who's name should not be said. Albus Dumbledore places a note in Harry's blanket and departed with the words "good luck Harry".

The chapters continue on to narrate Harry growing up in the Dursley's family with many peculiar events happening to him. For example every time Mrs. Dursley, Aunt Petunia, cuts his hair almost bald, it grows back longer than before. Furthermore, when Harry walks out through the streets of London, random people greet him. One man took his hat off in courtesy while another shook his hand. But every time he looked back they would have disappeared. Harry lived in the cupboard under the stairs, using Dudley, his cousin's, hand-me-down clothes. Harry goes through many struggles: all until he receives a letter that wrote, Mr. H Potter, The CupBoard Under the Stairs, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surry. This is the turning point of Harry's life. In my opinion this letter is the driving force of the change in little Harry Potter's life. 

The Harry Potter series is a book series that was awarded many awards and certificates. The most important aspect of this series, I believe, is the fact that it attracted and connected fans all over the world. J. K. Rowling, an incredible writer, started this book with an emotional entry. The young boy is orphaned at infancy and doesn't know anything about himself, nothing about his identity. He is treated lower than a human being for a reason that he doesn't know at all. These first six chapters highlight Harry's life and the introduction to the new life that he is yet to see. I feel that these chapters are the core of this book and enjoyed reading about the magic in another world.

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