Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Shift, Jennifer Bradbury

One faithful day, Chris, an avid cyclist, found himself sitting on a couch with his parents in an hotel lobby with an FBI agent. Why? A few weeks prior to this, him and his best friend, Win (full name Winston), with a lot of planning and perseverance for this to be approved by both parties of parents, decided to go across the country with their bicycles, from their home in Virginia to Washington State, where they would stop around Seattle to apparently visit Win’s uncle, which is later revealed that Win didn’t have an uncle in Seattle at all. They plan to do this right after their high school graduation. After graduation happened, and with a lot convincing from both their parents, they got ready and gathered their bikes, assets, and whichever equipment they needed in order to have a successful trip back and forth. As they’re on their way, Chris learns that there’s around $20,000 inside Win’s backpack. Chris gets alarmed by this and wonders to himself: Why would anyone want to carry that much money in a simple bike trip?

One day, on the middle of this trip, Chris’s bike gets a flat tire around Montana, and on the middle of fixing it, Win disappears without a sight, this concerned Chris as well as it made him furious because, why would his childhood best friend leave him stranded in the middle of a state he’d never been on?and as an act of desperation and anger, instead of searching for Win, he returned home in the middle of the trip. As soon as he returned, he went to college in Georgia Tech, where he continued on with his life, still having no regards on Win’s whereabouts over his overshadowing anger. All of this changed one day when he was called into a hotel lobby, where an FBI agent along with his parents were waiting for him, all in regards to Win’s sudden and mysterious disappearance. The FBI agent starts to question Chris, and about a few minutes in, the FBI agent as well as Chris’s parents begin to believe that Chris might’ve done something heinous to Win, as in murder him or even left him for death, but this gets disproved quickly simply because, Chris didn’t know anything about Win’s last whereabouts.

Chris throughout the beginning of the novel, Chris’s father is described as a man who usually got whatever he wanted because of his power and influence, and this affects this relationship with Chris because either Chris’s dad is always between distant or over affectionate, While Win’s parents are less like Chris’s and they’re more humble as well as stricter, which created a problem for the development of the trip at the beginning, as well as shaping these two teenagers with Chris being more straight forward and short tempered and Win being more of a closed person. Despite these opposing personality traits, these two are described as childhood best friends, where the author early on describes through different little flashbacks as the FBI agent is interviewing Chris, a perfect character development by the author. This story combines many elements such as suspense, mystery, friendship, adventure and drama as all of this unfolds, and as the reader and Chris try to figure out, where did Win go?

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