Monday, December 9, 2019

Blog #3: One of Us is Lying pg. 217-348(end)

          The final part of the book the investigation of Simon's murder was finally solved, but with many bumps in the road that the students went through. Nate's mother that he said was dead had come to his house. She was a coke addict and went to Oregon leaving Nate with his dad for all those years, finally coming back to see Nate and his father after being in rehab and drug free for 3 months. All the years while Nate's mother was gone he told everyone she had died. Bronwyn and Nate end up getting closer with each other, giving a try to having a relationship. Bronwyn sneaks Nate into her house in the middle of the night so they can see each other, and watch a movie together. Cooper is having hard time telling his parents that he's seeing a guy, especially telling his dad. Nate ends going to the Diner with his mom to catch up with her, but ends up leaving her alone by herself. As he leaves, outside there are news cameras there asking him about Simon's investigation. As the investigation keeps happening, all four students become closer and closer to each other, in which they'd never expect. One day in gym when Addy gets tripped by another girl for cheating on her boyfriend Janae who is in Addy's gym class and was friends with Simon helps Addy get bandaids of her scrapped knees in the locker room. As they were in the locker room Janae asked Addy to hangout after school. As they were hanging out Addy went to get Janae a drink and as she comes back with the drink Janae is ready to leave and go home, and leaves. Cooper gets called down to the police station to talk to Detective Chang. When Cooper was there the detective showed him the replaced file that Simon never posted about the guy Cooper was seeing. After Cooper was shown this, he had told his dad about being gay. The next day at school, everyone somehow found out about Cooper being gay, and everyone was making fun of him, saying things to him. While people were saying things to him, Nate walks in defending Cooper, and everyone stopped saying things to Cooper, and left him alone. The four students plus Maeve have started to have hangouts more and more discussing how Simon died and who had done it, trying to get more and more clues for his death. Later on TV Bronwyn suddenly sees Nate being placed in handcuffs being accused of Simon's murder.
        Once Bronwyn sees Nate on TV she called Eli Kleinfelter to ask if he could help Nate out of jail, and be his lawyer. Later that day Bronwyn also goes to tell Nates mom about Eli and how he will help with Nate. Bronwyn ends up finding out that Simon's water bottle and EpiPen were in Nate's locker and the computer where all the Tumblr posts were coming from in Nate's closet. After Nate's been arrested, the meetings that the others have become more and more frequent discussing how Nate didn't kill Simon and who could've done it. One day Bronwyn goes to Eastland High School to try and find the car that got in the accident outside the classroom the day Simon died, because the accident was on purpose. As Bronwyn talked to the one kid who was apart of the accident he said that  Simon had paid him to have an accident in the school parking lot to distract everyone in the classroom. One day when the four students were out together, Coopers boyfriend had also went, and ended up figuring out who killed Simon. **SPOILER**Figuring out that Simon had killed himself, and set the four students up blaming them for murder instead of himself. The next day Addy had went to Janae's house to ask about Simon and Janae ended up telling Addy that Simon had left a sheet of paper with "Simon's manifesto" on it explaining his whole plan. Simon had set up the four students to make it seem like one of them did it while in the classroom. Also, they found out Jake (Addy's ex boyfriend) had helped Simon out with it by helping put the cellphones in each of their book bags. After Simon had died Jake took over the Tumblr page, and was the one who kept posting. Jake helped Simon, because he wanted to get back at Addy and in the end blame her for the whole thing, putting the stuff that they put in Nate's locker in Addy's locker. Janae was supposed to put all the evidence in Addy's locker but instead put it in Nate's. While Addy was there with Janae at her house Jake ends up coming. While he was there Addy taped the whole thing, but suddenly her phone started ringing and Jake heard it. Addy ran out of the house and Jake started chasing her, eventually catching up to her chocking her and hitting her head on a rock. After that Cooper comes to help and Addy is sent to the hospital, and Jake is sent to jail for what he has done.
     Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book, and would recommend it to other readers. Throughout the book there were always new plot twists that you wouldn't expect to happen, making you want to keep reading. The whole book was a fast read, because you wanted to know who the killer was, and you wanted to know more of what'll happen to each character. I also liked how the book was told by the perspective of each character, and not just the same character the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. Great book! All the plot twist and suspense leading up to finding out who the killer sounds like it kept the reader on the edge of their seat. It sounds really cool how they change perspectives in the book so its not just from one person point of view. The book sounds very nice and you seem to have enjoyed it.


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A night in the maze

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