Friday, December 6, 2019

Blog #2: One of Us is Lying pg. 107-213

          In the second part of the book the search for Simon's killer is still an investigation waiting to be solved. Cooper, Addy, Bronwyn, and Nate are all still main suspects in the investigation, also getting more attention than what they want. Bronwyn and Cooper have both have lawyers now. Bronwyn's layer Robin, tells her to stay away from the other 3 kids. Nate gave Bronwyn an extra phone so that they could talk to each other on it, and every night they talk to each other and pick out a movie that they'll both watch off their computers at the same time. While everyone's at school, the killer of Simon had published all the unpublished entries that Simon never posted on his app about Bronwyn, Cooper, Addy, and Nate posting it for the whole school to see. After the post was out all of them had been called to the principles office to Principle Gupta. Principle Gupta then had gotten a call from the police leaving the kids in the room together alone. When she comes back they all decide to tell her that they were done with the conversation and left. When Cooper goes to visit his grandmother at the hospital after her heart attack realizes that he doesn't like his girlfriend anymore. Cooper eventually breaks up with his girlfriend, and towards the end starts seeing a guy instead that nobody knows about yet.
          One day when Bronwyn and her sister Maeve go to the library, Maeve tells Bronwyn that she's in the admin panel for Simon's app About That. She also found that Simon had posted something in the comments of a forum of people who celebrated a kid who had a hand gun in a school, supporting the gun violence. Maeve also found a coded file of Cooper's at the library she's going to try and get open. Now at school some days the news will be there trying to interview and talk to the kids, making it hard for them to enter and leave the school. One night on the news, Mikhail Powers discussed Simon's death and how the four students could have something to do with it. Mikhail calls the four students the "Bayview four". Eventually Mikhail introduces who the Bayview four are, and included some of what Simon's post said about each of the four students. At school barely anybody talks to Addy except Cooper sometimes and rarely the kid she cheated on her boyfriend with. Bronwyn and Nate have become even more close to each other, expressing each others feelings for each other. When Nate and Bronwyn are with each other, Bronwyn starts receive many calls from her sister and mother telling her that the police need to speak to her. When Bronwyn gets there her mother, Robin and Detective Mendoza are all waiting for her. Robin questions why the detective had brought Bronwyn to the station. The detective ends up showing Bronwyn, Robin, and Bronwyn's mother a longer post Simon had posted on his app about Maeve. After Simon had posted that the detective had shown the comment Bronwyn had left sophomore year, saying he should die.
        This part of the book had much more suspense, and unexpected things happening. There were things that happened that I didn't think would happen, and ended up shocking me. What I like about this part is how everything is still being built up from the first part, and still being built up into the third part. I also like how it's a quick read, making you not want to stop and to keep reading.

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