Monday, December 9, 2019

American Predator the Hunt for the Most Meticulous Serial Killer of the 21st Century pages 160-end

     Towards the ending of the book as the case about Samantha's disappearance is starting to wrap-up Keyes makes a shocking confession that Samantha was only one of his smaller crimes and pretty unlikely of a target. Keyes then goes into detail about some of the other crimes he has committed only giving them the information he believes they will eventually find out. The first thing he mentions is another couple that he had taken during his time in Indiana whereas he liked to call it "taking" a couple Bill and Lorraine Currier. He had first broken into Lorraine's car where documents in the vehicle showed the couple lived there alone. He then broke the glass on the front door let himself in and was in the Curriers room waking them up at gunpoint within 6 seconds of opening the door a blitz attack he liked to brag about. He took the couple to an abandoned house where he tortured and killed both of them before disposing of the bodies, guns and the couple's cars in 3 separate states. Next Keyes talks about his visit to Texas that the FBI had learned a little bit about because of the interviews with Keyes mother Heidi. Keyes had originally gone to Texas to visit his mother and other family members but soon got the urge to take someone. He had set up by a hiking trail at the Dinosaur Valley State Park and had just spotted a woman walking with her dog. Keyes got ready hiding in a local bush he ran through the plan in his head shoot the dog take the woman but ultimately decided not to because he feared of other hiker catching him. Instead, Keyes searched for an abandoned house on the outskirts of Aledo, Texas. He set fire to the house then hid nearby with his police scanner on his plan had worked better than he predicted more police were dispatched to the fire than he believed would be. This was all working out in Keyes favor as he drove back into town and robbed a bank getting away with ten thousand dollars. Keyes had constantly denied that he took anyone in Texas although the lead detective bell thought otherwise and eventually asks Keyes about it where he reveals little details the things Keyes believed they would find eventually anyways. in loved to give his victims a false sense of hope often times trying to convince them this crime was only for ransom when in all actuality he never planned on even contacting anyone. Keyes was not limited to only kidnapping often times he incorporated many into one for example he would rob the houses of the people he kidnapped and often times he would rape and torture his victims as well. Keyes had also been linked to the disappearance of two young girls when he was very young around only 14 years old. The first girl he took was disabled and the second one was his first case of arson. He burned down the girl's trailer killing the mother inside and leaving the girl not too far out in the woods. Keyes also talks about how he was obsessed with studying and memorizing books on infamous criminals and using their traits as his own oftentimes using many at a time. Keyes later goes on to tell the FBI his life story and what it was like for him growing up. He describes how he has always been a hard atheist and even mentioned that he considered torturing people in churches to "show them there is no god" Keyes then goes on to confess the location where he buried the bodies of Lorraine and Bill Currier. The FBI pooled all of the supplies they had into finding the couple only to find out the house had been destroyed before meaning the bodies were most likely in a landfill somewhere. After this Keyes got the opportunity he had been hoping for the guards of his cell often times slacked off and didn't listen to their boss. Keyes was given an electric razor to use only under the direct supervision of a guard and ends up committing suicide in his cell. To this day many of the murders he committed remain unsolved or not even linked to him because all the information they were getting about them was from Keyes. As soon as Keyes realized they didn't know anything about these he went silent and committed suicide.
     I found the ending of this book horrifying the plot twist at the end where Keyes tells the FBI that he has committed many murders and that Samantha is only one of them really took me by surprise. In the book, Keyes has no criminal record what so ever not even a speeding ticket, yet he most likely killed around 40 people as his computer searches matched around 40 missing people in the FBI database. Keyes was well prepared and very experienced he had kill kits buried all around the US. These kits contained weapons and other resources so that when he traveled he could kill freely and easily get rid of the body. I would recommend this book to others who enjoy murder mysteries or horror books but I will warn you that it can be very graphic at some points in the book.

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