Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Hunger Games

Rachael Pillay
Grade 11
Mr. Rispole 

The supplementary book I have chosen is, “The Hunger Games.” By Suzzane Collins. The genre of the book is fiction. The book is a Dystopian novel, the definition of a dystopia is an opposite to the word Utopia. A Utopia is the idea of a perfect world, with that being you can conclude that a dystopia is the complete other direction. A Dystopia is a community or society that is undesirable or frightening. Its prevalent  to have a Dystopia in a post apocalyptic world. The Hunger Games is a great example of the key features a Dystopian society has. In pages 3-102 (chapters 1 to 7), It starts off the book by introducing Katniss Everdeen, Prim Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and others included in District 12. Katniss Everdeen is the antagonist of this novel. Like it was previously stated, The setting is a post apocalyptic nation divided into different districts along with a Capitol. The Capitol has a unique way to provide entertainment by providing a purge on chosen ones from each district it also satisfies their harness upon the district due to their failed rebellion. 
In the beginning, Prim Everdeen is chosen as a tribute, but Katniss volunteers to step in to take Prim's spot. It is implied that the Everdeen's family is not wealthy compared to other districts and others in her district. They don't have much money due to the fact that Katniss’s mother is ill and Prim doesn't work. Katniss has raised their family and provided. When Prim is chosen Katniss will not settle and decides to step in. She realizes the other tribute is Peeta Mellark, the baker's son who gave her free burnt  bread to provide for her family, who eventually got in a dilemma when the baker's wife found out. Katniss and Peeta soon leave and arrive to the training center used specifically for tributes. Although Katniss and Peeta are rivals because they are from the same district they represent together.For example, when representing their district since district twelve is a coal mining area they had matching fire costumes. Katniss found this profoundly weird because she didn't want to get close to Peeta because she would end up having to kill him eventually. The next few chapters talk about the preparation of skills and their experiences Katniss and Peeta had at the training center in order to win the Hunger Games.
Personally, I really like the book so far. I've watched the movie and what they say is true. The book is definitely better than the movie. The Hunger Games book series has always been a hype, and I understand why. The book is extremely descriptive creating a visual story in your mind.It brings in many elements of conflict provides a sense of suspense. I personally also like how the book itself is written. Overall the book is extremely interesting so far.

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