Monday, December 9, 2019

Reality Check #3 pgs 195-307

  Cody woke up the next morning in the hotel hungry. So he went to the little diner down the street to
have breakfast. After he finished, he didn't really know what to do so he decided to give it one last
shot to try and find Clea. He went back to Dover Academy and went right into the woods all by himself
for attempt number two. After about an hour into his search he found a little warming hut in the woods
and checked it but he found nothing. Then he checked his phone to see the time when he realized he
had service. He decided to give call Clea to see if she would somehow pick up even though the few
times he called her right after she went missing it went straight to voicemail. And when he called her
he heard a very familiar ringing sound and followed the sound to a pile of branches and underneath
was Cleas phone. He turned it on and still having her password memorized, he unlocked it to see a
whole bunch of messages. One of which was a message from her dad saying that he sent her extra
cash so she could get a ride home. Cody was confused why would she want to go home, he scrolled up
in the conversation to see Clea talking about how she hated it here and how she wanted to go back home.
Cody was shocked and was wondering if she was already home. And he just couldn't take it anymore
so he made his way out of the woods and got into his car and headed home. Once he finally made it he
went straight to Cleas house knocked on the door and there was Clea.
     After finishing this story I was very disappointed. I feel that the author could have done so much
more with this ending. It was so good in the beginning and it felt like he just gave up at the end giving
off a boring ending to this story.


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