Friday, December 6, 2019

It by Steven King Blog #2

                   (1950s part of story)After tormenting the citizens of Derry, a group of unlikely teen heroes forms, known as the Losers, and they have all been somehow affected by the acts of Pennywise. This group includes Bill Denbrough, the older brother of Georgie who was killed by Pennywise. A few of Bills friends have all had experiences with It, and join this group known as "Losers". The Losers after adding quite a few members try to take down It, and have an encounter with him in It's underground lair. They injure It and escape, and then all move away from Derry, trying to leave their unpleasant memories behind, and build a new life away from all of this. They all end up losing the memories of this time.

                  (1980s part of story)After almost 30 years have passed, It is back and starts another killing spree across Derry, forcing the unlikely group of heroes to return. They do, and they start to regain their unpleasant memories. They soon after confront It again, this time Bill Denbrough is able to kill It after using a magic ritual. This however does have a downside to it, as it causes a violent storm to sweep through Derry. I am excited to see what happens next to the town and how they might be able to stop the storm.


  1. This book seems really interesting because of the conflict between It and the losers and how they had to come back to try to stop him again.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's interesting that after almost 30 years passed, and the group is still trying to kill It.


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A night in the maze

         Thomas scared and exhausted trying to find something or somewhere he can use or hide in but there was nothing. Just walls. Then he ...